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You are here » HollywoodHook » Testimonial » csgo cheat

csgo cheat

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Alright so I'm just going to give a short review of my time with HWH (Will continue once I get a new CS:GO account), I'll try to keep this as unbiased as possible.

Visuals 7/10

The visuals were pretty good the only two problems I had was that sometimes you wouldn't see people through the walls until they're VERY close to you, I'm sure you can somehow fix this but It's not very clear how to. The other problem I had is that I'd usually have constantly 300 fps but sometimes the FPS would suddenly drop to 40 fps and even 20 fps sometimes, I tried disabling the visuals, still had the same problem but I was told that this is because of the visuals and my computer couldn't handle it

Aim 10/10

The aim was absolutely amazing, I would be getting 40 kills in LE/LEM games yet I wouldn't get an overwatch ban, this is because while the aim is effective, it isn't obvious.

Misc 9/10

The misc options were pretty good, the only problem I had is that the legit Bhop wasn't really that legit, hitting 6-7 bhops at a time isn't that Legit

Support 9/10

The Support was pretty good but the only problem I've ever had was when I reported my FPS drops, all I received was a reply from a VIP that looked like he was pretty creditable (800+ posts and pos rep) he told me that my computer was probably shit even when I told him I usually get 300 fps and I never really got any help on that topic other than his reply... May have just been a one in a hundred thing so I don't blame that guy or Interwebz for that




Thanks for your review, some days've been added to your sub!


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